Sustainable Lifestyle

?We always get asked, where do we start and how? and is it difficult

 We always are asked, where do we start and how? Is it difficult? Should I produce one jar of trash per year? The answer is simple, start now and gradually, step by step. You do not have to eliminate your produce plastic 100 percent in one day, month or even a year. Start with something simple, for example, swapping plastic straws with metal or glass straws. Taking no reset, using your own cup. Sustainable lifestyle does not help the planet only, but it help your budget. Such small changes would make difference, so do not hesitate and be the good influencer. Animals, planet and next generation and even us, would thank you! Here is the first post of the graduate expert of sustainable low waste lifestyle. We hope you will continue this journey with us. *Important note, there is a gift waiting for you~ just  finish our series and it will send by your signed email. Let us begin!

Where to Start?

Always with you, and always with the 6 R’s that embody the core sustainability values.

1. Refuse

2. Reduce

3. Reuse

4. Repair

5. Recycle

6. Rot

The 6 R’s

Refuse what you do not need. Learn to live and be happy with what you already have, and you will find that investing in your relationships rather than in stuff will bring you long term happiness rather than instant and fleeting gratification.

Reduce what you do need. If you have grown up in privilege like we have, then you most likely also have an inflated sense of what you need. How many kitchen accessories do you have? How many electronics that you rarely use do you have or number of clothes that sit in the back of your closet with the tags still on? Less is so much more. Invest in things that you truly need and bring value to your life rather than in stuff that will be forgotten in a few weeks or months.

Reuse as much as you can. Rediscover the utility of the things you already own. 

Repair what you already have. Too often we get frustrated when something breaks or rips and instead of attempting to repair it first we often simply discard it and buy a new one. The amount of things we have been able to repair simply by looking up tutorials has saved me an incredible amount of money and waste. Learn to sew up that hole in your jeans, or how to mend your broken headphones before considering giving up.

Recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, reuse or repair. But please be aware of the amount of energy that this process takes. Try and choose packaging that you know can be recycled in your area and that won’t ‘accidentally’ be sent to landfill instead. Of course the best option is to not

recycle at all but that is not realistic for the majority of you reading this guide, and so do the best you can with the facilities available to you.

Rot is the last one on the list and is intended to help divert food waste and some paper cardboard from entering your regular bin. Food waste is one of the things that upsets me the most because there are so many people in the world who are food insecure and yet we still think its ok to throw food into the bin instead of freezing or preserving in some way. Composting is a great way to naturally recycle natural matter that can successfully become part of the earth again.
